Saturday, April 20, 2013

If I ever step on a rattlesnake...

...I have a first aid kit. Probably its " use before " date has run out decades ago but nevertheless! Bought this a long time ago because I liked the box but never really looked inside until today. Found an old  letter in the cardboard box and syringes and vials made out of glass with anti venom treatment. And nothing was broken! Spring cleaning can be full of surprises.


  1. Ist das wunderschön ... und man weiß ja nie genau. wann man einer Klapperschlange begegnet.

  2. YOu just never know when you might need anti-venom serum :)

  3. How cool! You'll have to bring that with you one day when you visit me in Arizona! lol! Amazing that you are just now finding it after all these years. What did the letter say?

  4. It's always good to be prepared! wow. The letter?

  5. Ok the letter. It was more written in the form of a guess is that the writer not truly believed in the power of the anti venom serum and wanted to make sure that in case of an encounter with a poisonous snake he might get help from above?! I could not read it all - very old fashioned handwriting and all of that in french ( never was and never will be my strongest language)
