Friday, May 17, 2013

Just fun!

My son and I share a passion for street art. Going through my photos today ( yes it is still raining here and the low temperature makes me dream of traveling to places with a nicer climate) I came upon some fun examples of which I have no idea who of us shot them! I guess it was him and not me....anyway ...

I am not even sure if he might have painted some of them....

A collage...?

Paris? New York?


  1. Love the collage! I too love capturing street art!

  2. These are great! My son would love these. Have a great weekend

  3. The animation on these art pieces is wonderful. So colorful! Nice captures.

  4. Klasse, vorallem die Collage, die macht echt gute Laune!
    Frohe Pfingsten Euch allen!
