Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The Golden Land….or the Land of the Golden Buddhas…or the Land of the Smiling People.
Having travelled in India many times I am used to the chaotic traffic in Asia …and was completely surprised by the lack of it arriving in Yangon. There are no motorbikes allowed in the city! Cars stop at the red traffic lights and people use the pedestrian crossings. The amount of cars has increased in the last years and now even in Yangon we experienced the joy of traffic jams. The picture was taken while we were still moving…hence the blurry effect!

Images of Aung San Suu Kyi the leader of the opposition and receiver of the Nobel Peace Prize are everywhere. People speak about her with the greatest respect and have high hopes that she will become president in the 2015 elections.


  1. Ist das Frühstück in Myanmar irgendwie anders als in Deutschland??? --> Kein Aufschnitt, keine Spreewald-Gürkchen, keine hausgemachte Marmelade und schon gar kein Fleischsalat? Can't believe it, Karen!!! ;-)

    Aber so 'ne lecker Schüssel Reis ist doch auch nicht zu verachten, oder?

    Grüße aus springlike Germany!


  2. Oh, I am so excited to see your first post!!! Welcome home!!! (assuming you are home!) I just can not wait to see this trip through your eyes! I have so missed you!

  3. ich drücke die Daumen für 2015 ...
