Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Our World on Tuesday and Song-ography

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Darling,you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be there till the end of time
So you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

It's always tease, tease, tease
You're happy when I am on my knees
One day is fine and the next is black
So if you want me off your back
Well, come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
( Clash)

Summer is over and autumn has arrived,
wonderful colours and still warm days,
but the rain and the cold will come and there will be the question:
Should I go (South?) or should I stay.

Our World Tuesday
Our World Tuesday Graphic

For more photos, click here


  1. Alles so ziemlich grau bei dir an diesem wundervoll sonnigen Dienstag Morgen - hast und fühlst du den Herbst-Blues!?!?! ;-)
    Obwohl, so Möven an einem nebeligen Morgen im Herbst bei ganz ruhigem Wetter aufzunehmen - das hat natürlich auch was!
    So oder so. Oder anders herum - dir einen angenehmen Tag und eine tolle Woche!

  2. Die Fotos sind ganz großartig !!!
    Toll gemacht!
    Liebe Grüße von

  3. Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Good question!

  4. Hah! What a fun picture for the song!

  5. Wonderful shot, especially love the second one with the yapping gull! I wonder what (s)he is saying?
    I hope you'll come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/09/shake-those-tail-feathers.html

  6. Haha..this TOTALLY makes me smile! Love this shot, and it's spectacular in BW. So glad to see you at Song-ography! Thanks for joining in :)

  7. Brilliant! Love the song and the images are perfect :) While you're wishing for warm I'm dreading our summer CC.

  8. Brilliant! Love the song and the images are perfect :) While you're wishing for warm I'm dreading our summer CC.

  9. Love that this is black and white. Nice photo of the open mouthed bird, I can almost hear the song it's singing (or screaming) in my head.

  10. Love it!! South or East! :)

  11. Oops...correction...WEST! ha!

  12. Love it! Especially the loud mouth in the second photo. I can just hear the gull call. :)

  13. That second shot!!! Amazing! Just makes you want to SING OUT!!! I'm also a fan of these shots in black/white - very nice!

  14. Großartige Fotos! Das zweite hats mir besonders angetan! :)

  15. Brilliant shots! Just brilliant.

  16. You are such an artist. Love the second shot. I think I can hear him shouting from here!

  17. Gorgeous shot! I love the second one.

  18. I love the choice of song you have put with this image, utterly inspired


  19. Oh my.. I got to stay in this post:) I agree with the majority of comments above -the second shot is stunningly eye-catching!!! Great capture.
    Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog.
    Have a wonderful night.

  20. Ha ha that's brilliant, the screeching bird yelling 'turn round...' you've got everyone facing the right way and one bird facing backwards that would be me :) Oh there's always one.
    Wren x
